troubleshooing missing ip in k8s ( metallb-system)
some ip within metallb-system suddently does not work arp -a arping ip_address iptables -L -n ip route get sudo ip neigh flush all kubectl -n metallb-system rollout restart deployment…
some ip within metallb-system suddently does not work arp -a arping ip_address iptables -L -n ip route get sudo ip neigh flush all kubectl -n metallb-system rollout restart deployment…
What is DASH and HLS? DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) and HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) are both popular streaming protocols used to deliver multimedia content over the internet, but…
The CAP theorem states that a distributed system cannot simultaneously be consistent, available, and partition tolerant No distributed system is safe from network failures, thus network partitioning generally has to be tolerated.[7][8] In…
Raft: paxos hard to understand, new consensus algorithm consensus algorithm: Leader elections, log replicate This Raft library is stable and feature complete. As of 2016, it is the most…
Learning curve for Kubernetes (K8s) could be steep. For most users who are already familiar with basic networking, OS/Linux, docker container technologies etc, the difficulties , I personally think, is…
Repo: code: video sfu code at: plugins/janus_videoroom.c How sub/pub works: in its plugin implementation: plugins/janus_videoroom.c , there is: struct janus_videoroom_publisher { GSList subscribers; / Subscriptions to this publisher (who’s watching…
SRTP RFCs and h.235 is Not an easy read. Here is my very high level beriefing: AES Encryption (1) AES is the foundation for both srtp and h.235.6 secured rtp…
Bro, or sometimes referred to as Bro-IDS is a bit different than Snort and Suricata. In a way Bro is both a signature and anomaly-based IDS. Its analysis engine will…
if your NIC ( eth0) of the KVM (VM) is on the host device br0,and you want to see all the network traffics, what you can do is: on the…
DTLS: Basically DTLS is to construct TLS over datagram (UDP, DCCP, etc.) DTLS is similar to TLS intentionally except that DTLS has to solve two problems: packet lost and reordering.…