cmake how to build debug version
Some of projects use cmake, usually we can build like: mkdir build && cd build cmake .. camke –build . it usually a release version. we as developer need…
Some of projects use cmake, usually we can build like: mkdir build && cd build cmake .. camke –build . it usually a release version. we as developer need…
The RFC 3262 said: The To header field contains the address of record whose registration is to be created, queried, or modified. That means TO contains AoR, and it…
Quick sort High level code are quite simple ( divide/conque, recursively partition the array): void quickSort(int arr[], int low, int high) { if (low < high) { /* pi is…
Heap/Heapsort is not difficult to understand when you reading online articles/watching online videos, but without using it everyday, it is quite easy to forget the evil details. Here are some notes…
I spent several days to install openstack on debian 8 at one testing box with two NICs. Finally got a basic working system! It has with a controller node running neutron,…
Finally I got some chances to package one application using docker, here are some useful commands docker images: docker build –rm -t my_tag docker_dir ( with Dockerfile) docker images ,…
I have spent several days on Go. It is a little more similar to C, not C++. As it has no class concept, only structure. Also it has pointer (…
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is mainly for binary protocol, it is a standard and notation that describes rules and structures for representing, encoding, transmitting, and decoding data intelecommunications and…
Recently I spent some time to write a DSL ( domain specific Language) lexer and parser. Without double flex, bison (C++) will be used. Bison ( version 3.0.2/3.04) generally support…
The normal use case is to discover interesting relations between variables in large databases, e.g: i(t) 1 ABDE 2 BCE 3 ABDE 4 ABCE 5 ABCDE 6 BCD the above…