open source linter and code coverage for C/C++
A poor man C/C++ linter and code coverage (gtests) C/C++ Linter: Cppcheck apt-get install cppcheck cppcheck –enable=all /your_cpp_source_dir Test Code coverage : gcov/lcov g++ -o main –fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage main_test.cpp…
column-oriented DB
Free and open-source software Columnar DB Database Name Language Implemented in Notes Apache Druid Java started in 2011 for low-latency massive ingestion and queries Apache Kudu C++ released in…
zookeeper vs etcd
Use cases both provide strong consistance for key/value store. zookeeper use ZAB, etcd use raft, usually one leader. normally use as configure store Zookeeper more like file system bin/…
understand CAP theorem
The CAP theorem states that a distributed system cannot simultaneously be consistent, available, and partition tolerant No distributed system is safe from network failures, thus network partitioning generally has to be tolerated.[7][8] In…
Raft consensus algorithm on distributed system
Raft: paxos hard to understand, new consensus algorithm consensus algorithm: Leader elections, log replicate This Raft library is stable and feature complete. As of 2016, it is the most…
Cassandra Query
Time Series db using cassandra Try it out cqlsh:demo> create TABLE demo.users3(lastname text, firstname text, time timestamp , primary key(lastname, time)); cqlsh:demo> INSERT INTO users2(lastname, firstname ,…
bigdata OLTP , OLAP
row-based vs col based db or format row based –> good for OLTP ( transcation), e.g: cassendra col based –> good for OLAP (? easy to aggreation etc?), druid Parquet…
grpc deep drive
GRPC client side msg: header, msg, EOS server side msg: header, msg, msg, Trailer over http2 keep live? c++ async or sync? , does it provider more performance than…
bigdata platform with Kubernets or Hadoop
Hadoop: Hadoop kubernets MapReduce Spark on K8s Flink stream HDFS S3? any better one Resource manager Yarn/Mesos K8s itself During its evolution phase, Hadoop provided three main functionalities that…
Some notes about An Elegant Puzzle – Systems of Engineering Management
Some notes: Team size 8 engineers/manager Managers should support six to eight Documents to avoid interruption Finally, the one thing that I’ve found at companies with very few interruptions…