ipv6 testbed at home
It is quite easy to setup a ipv6 testbed at home now. (1) setup linux ipv6 router apt-get install radvd # on a vm or real box debian and copy the…
It is quite easy to setup a ipv6 testbed at home now. (1) setup linux ipv6 router apt-get install radvd # on a vm or real box debian and copy the…
maven basic On debian 8: apt-get install mvn # this will install maven 3.0 mvn archetype:generate –DgroupId=com.mycompany.app –DartifactId=my–app –DarchetypeArtifactId=maven–archetype–quickstart –DinteractiveMode=false it basically mkdir -p src/main/java/ ( put your java file here), create…
On Debian 8 (1) download and install JDK 8 from oracle (2) download and install Eclipse IDE for Jave EE (3) apt-get install tomcat8 tomcat8-admin tomcat8-examples tomcat8-user mysql-server (4) git clone https://github.com/mingewang/HibernateDataSource…
Fax ( over VoIP) Error: Error Far end cannot receive at the size of image Resolution (1): from http://help.activepbx.com/KB/a69/error-far-end-cannot-receive-at-the-size-of-image.aspx When you scan from certain Scanners it flips the image horizontally open…
SIP protocol always seems to be complicated than I thought/expected. one example : Sip header Privacy This header is like this: Privacy: value the value could be: header, session, user, none, and…
If you are interested in the webrtc, this project is quite interesting great demo at: https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/demos.html the source code is at: https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway I did contribute two commits a year ago https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway/commits?author=mingewang…
I tried to use asterisk real time db, and somehow sip show peers does not show anything, After couple of hours googleing , and found this: rtcachefriends (global) If is turned…
Treat others as you would be treated. Treat others as they would like to be treated. Some interesting articles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule http://www.peterstark.com/leaders-golden-rule/
Someone asked me to convert pdf 1.1 to 1.4, I googled around, and found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3450616/convert-pdf-from-version-1-1-to-1-4-or-higher Pdf 1.1 is forward compatible with pdf 1.4. Everything in pdf 1.1 will work…
This could be useful for our Linux desktop users. it will help you to get the screen share and video stream on your 64bitLinux desktop. The key is use 32-bits…