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Help and How to SearchHere is a brief description of query language features. Query typeExamplesDescriptionPlain queryCOMRITESearches documents containing word <COMRITE>Word listCOMRITE computerSearches documents containing both words <COMRITE> and <computer>Phrase“COMRITE computer”Searches documents containing word <COMRITE> followed by word <computer>.PatternIndust* Industr?Searches documents containing words which match specified pattern. <?> means any character, <*> means sequence of any characters. Minimal fixed part of pattern is 3.Any word*Can be used inside phrase, means any word.PlusCOMRITE + Web + spaceSearches documents containing all specified words.MinusCOMRITE -providerSearches documents containing word <COMRITE> but not containing word <provider>. It is important to put space before “minus” sign and leave no space after it.Filter by sitesite: COMRITEcomputer -site: COMRITE-oneRestricts search to the sites with name containing <COMRITEcomputer> Excude results from sites with name containing <COMRITE-one>Logical expressionsCOMRITE AND computer COMRITE OR computer COMRITE | computerSearches documents according to specified logical expressions <COMRITE AND computer> is equivalent to <COMRITE + computer> or <COMRITE computer> <COMRITE OR computer> is equivalent to <COMRITE | computer> Keywords AND and OR are case-sensitive.CombinationsCOMRITE + computer -provider COMRITE AND (stre?t OR provider) AND “Press releases” “COMRITE (provider OR providers OR corn*)” provider (site:sw | site: COMRITE-linux)Limitations: AND can not be used inside phrase. Minus signs are ignored inside phrase. <site: site_name> filters or logical expressions of it can not be used alone, but only with the other query words or expressions. GENERAL NOTES Search words are case-insensitive.Keywords AND, OR are case-sensitive.Commonly used words are excluded from search.Parenthesis can be used to group logical subexpressions. |
4.用户对使用搜索引擎自行承担风险,Comrite不做任何形式的保证, 不保证搜索结果满足用户的要求,不保证搜索服务不中断,对搜索结果的安全性、正确性、及时性、合法性均不做担保。因网络状况、通讯线路等任何技术原因而导致用户不能正常使用Comrite,Comrite 不承担任何法律责任。
6、任何网站如果不想被Comrite收录,应该及时向服务网站或Comrite反应,或是在网站的页面中根据拒绝蜘蛛协议(Robots Exclusion Protocol)加注拒绝收录的标记,否则,Comrite将视其为可收录网站。