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google SRE book notes:


measure aggregate availabilty = successful requests/total requests ( instead of uptime/downtime)



All code is checked into the main branch of the source code tree (mainline). However, most major projects don’t release directly from the mainline. Instead, we branch from the mainline at a specific revision and never merge changes from the branch back into the mainline. Bug fixes are submitted to the mainline and then cherry picked into the branch for inclusion in the release. This practice avoids inadvertently picking up unrelated changes submitted to the mainline since the original build occurred. Using this branch and cherry pick method, we know the exact contents of each release.

Minimal APIs

Writing clear, minimal APIs is an essential aspect of managing simplicity in a software system.

Avoid Blame and Keep It Constructive

One way to establish a strong testing culture92 is to start documenting all reported bugs as test cases.


Weighted Round Robin for load balancing inside one DC

How to handle overload

We often speak about the cost of a request to refer to a normalized measure of how much CPU time it has consumed (over different CPU architectures, with consideration of performance differences).

In a majority of cases (although certainly not in all), we’ve found that simply using CPU consumption as the signal for provisioning works well, for the following reasons:

  • In platforms with garbage collection, memory pressure naturally translates into increased CPU consumption.
  • In other platforms, it’s possible to provision the remaining resources in such a way that they’re very unlikely to run out before CPU runs out.

In cases where over-provisioning the non-CPU resources is prohibitively expensive, we take each system resource into account separately when considering resource consumption


When global overload does occur, it’s vital that the service only delivers error responses to misbehaving customers, while other customers remain unaffected.

We implemented client-side throttling through a technique we call adaptive throttling.


Addressing cascading failure:

Rather than inventing a deadline when sending RPCs to backends, servers should employ deadline propagation.

Cancellation propagation

Managing Critical State: Distributed Consensus for Reliability

Whenever you see leader election, critical shared state, or distributed locking, we recommend using distributed consensus systems that have been formally proven and tested thoroughly. Informal approaches to solving this problem can lead to outages, and more insidiously, to subtle and hard-to-fix data consistency problems that may prolong outages in your system unnecessarily.


It is also difficult for developers to design systems that work well with datastores that support only BASE semantics

The Split-Brain Problem: STONITH not working

The problem here is that the system is trying to solve a leader election problem using simple timeouts. Leader election is a reformulation of the distributed asynchronous consensus problem, which cannot be solved correctly by using heartbeats.

In fact, many distributed systems problems turn out to be different versions of distributed consensus, including master election, group membership, all kinds of distributed locking and leasing, reliable distributed queuing and messaging, and maintenance of any kind of critical shared state that must be viewed consistently across a group of processes. All of these problems should be solved only using distributed consensus algorithms that have been proven formally correct, and whose implementations have been tested extensively. Ad hoc means of solving these sorts of problems (such as heartbeats and gossip protocols) will always have reliability problems in practice.


Technically, solving the asynchronous distributed consensus problem in bounded time is impossible. As proven by the Dijkstra Prize–winning FLP impossibility result [Fis85], no asynchronous distributed consensus algorithm can guarantee progress in the presence of an unreliable network.

In practice, we approach the distributed consensus problem in bounded time by ensuring that the system will have sufficient healthy replicas and network connectivity to make progress reliably most of the time. In addition, the system should have backoffs with randomized delays

Distributed consensus algorithms are low-level and primitive: they simply allow a set of nodes to agree on a value, once. They don’t map well to real design tasks. What makes distributed consensus useful is the addition of higher-level system components such as datastores, configuration stores, queues, locking, and leader election services to provide the practical system functionality that distributed consensus algorithms don’t address. Using higher-level components reduces complexity for system designers. It also allows underlying distributed consensus algorithms to be changed if necessary in response to changes in the environment in which the system runs or changes in nonfunctional requirements.

Many systems that successfully use consensus algorithms actually do so as clients of some service that implements those algorithms, such as Zookeeper, Consul, and etcd.